Teaching Updates - Southampton and Wokingham
Great things happening with the now 60 students of TCM music. Last term, students participated in Trinity Guildhall, ABRSM, LCM and...

New Bracknell Singing for Lung Health group
We opened our new Bracknell group on the 7th Sept, and we already have 8 members! It has been an absolutely brilliant start, and I can't...

Tara on BBC Radio Berkshire promoting SFLH (TCH)
I was on BBC Radio Berkshire today promoting Singing for Lung Health. We hope to gain more members and increase awareness of singing and...

SFLH at Christmas Community Citizens' Lunch 2016
Congratulations to the Singing for Lung Health group who promoted our cause by singing so well at the Rotary Club of Maidenhead Thames'...

ERS Conference 2016
Thank you to the 6 members of SFLH (TCH) who joined singers from the Royal Brompton Hospital to represent the British Lung Foundation's...

A brilliant week for SFLH(TCH)
Great fundraising news!! An absolutely BRILLIANT week fundraising wise; we finished 3rd at Waitrose Maidenhead and received £200 so thank...

Young students success
Congratulations to Hollie MacKinnon and Nishka Patel who successfully auditioned for Berkshire Young Voices on Saturday. The girls are...

Student Success
Congratulations to students Angie and Alice who are performing spectacularly in EBOS' production of 'Little Shop Of Horrors' at South...

Vote for Singing for Lung Health Maidenhead!
Exciting news! The Singing for Lung Health group that I run have been shortlisted for Neighbourhood Budget funding from the Royal Borough...

Singing for Lung Health
My group starts next Weds afternoon in Maidenhead. Open to anyone with a chronic lung disease, and their parents/carers. Can't wait to...