Vote for Singing for Lung Health Maidenhead!
Exciting news! The Singing for Lung Health group that I run have been shortlisted for Neighbourhood Budget funding from the Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead.
The group with the most votes by the 6th June will receive up to £2000 in funding (to give you an idea, the group costs £70 a week to run, so it would make a huge difference for us).
Please vote for us here by the 6th June. To read more about the project, please visit my Singing for Lung Health page on this website, or read the testimonial below that we received from the BLF last week.

The group was visited by Mayana McDermott and Dr Heather McKee of the British Lung Foundation on the 20th May 2016, who said the following about their visit; "Thank you for making our visit so enjoyable yesterday. We just wanted to say how great we thought you were. You had so much energy and positivity, which really help lift the group and make it so much fun, as well as giving our lungs a good work out. It was evident from the group, how much you've helped them and how wonderful they all think you are."
High praise indeed!